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Make your own ginger juice and turmeric juice

18/09/2020 | Juice recipes

In recent years, the spices ginger and turmeric have become really popular. This is mainly because of the health benefits attributed to them. For example, both roots are said to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, they strengthen your immune system and contain strong antioxidants. Do you want to benefit from these natural properties? Then, making turmeric juice or ginger juice is a good idea. Below, you can read how! We give you two tasty recipes, useful tips and more information about these spicy miracle roots.


Why is ginger so healthy? Actually, we could dedicate an entire blog to this, because ginger has so many different health benefits. These are mainly due to the substance, gingerol. Among other things, this has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. People with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, benefit greatly from it. It can help with headaches and menstrual pain. It is also a good natural remedy for nausea. That is why it is used for travel sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy. In addition, gingerol balances your blood sugar level and stimulates digestion. It can also stimulate your brain function, including your memory and ability to concentrate. Because of its antibacterial and antiviral effect, gingerol also provides good support for your immune system. Would you like to read more about the health benefits of ginger with scientific evidence? Read on for further details.

ginger shot


Would you like to benefit from the health advantages of the ginger root? Then, making your own ginger juice is an excellent idea, as it allows you to ingest large quantities of raw ginger. It is preferable if ginger juice is made with a slowjuicer. This is the best way to preserve its nutrients. If you choose organic ginger, you can easily squeeze the skin with it. Pure ginger juice has a strong taste that most of us find difficult to appreciate. That is why it is best to add a few other ingredients for taste, as in the recipe below. For this you need:

  • A piece of fresh, organic ginger about the size of your thumb
  • Half an organic Granny Smith apple
  • A quarter of a lemon
  • A quarter of a cucumber

What comes out of your Slowjuicer is a fresh, sour juice with a spicy kick. Don't have time to make your own ginger juice or have a slowjuicer? At Sap.je, you can also buy ginger juice in the form of our Immunity ginger shot.


Turmeric is also called turmeric root, or Curcuma. Turmeric and ginger are related to each other and share some of the same properties. Turmeric also has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. This substance has many other beneficial effects. It is a strong antioxidant, through which it counteracts free radicals. Free radicals play a role in the development of cancer, and also in the ageing process. In addition, turmeric is said to help combat cardiovascular disease because it strengthens your vessel walls. It also has a positive effect on your brain. In addition, people with depressive complaints could benefit greatly from this orange root.


Making turmeric juice is a piece of cake. However, pure turmeric juice is not very easy to drink because of the intense, bitter taste of the root. Moreover, the addition of other ingredients, especially black pepper, can promote the absorption of curcumin. Note that curcumin is a very strong colouring agent. Take care of your clothes and clean your kitchen utensils quickly and thoroughly after you have used them for turmeric preparation. For a spicy pick-me-up based on turmeric juice you will need:

  • A piece of organic turmeric about the size of half your little finger
  • Half an organic beetroot
  • Half an organic apple
  • 1 organic carrot
  • A pinch of black pepper

Preferably, you should drink this turmeric juice right away. The taste is earthy, invigorating and warming. Would you rather buy turmeric juice? Then try our turmeric juice, which consists mainly of fresh turmeric juice. Because it also contains ginger, you will immediately benefit from both natural powerhouses. Which recipes for turmeric juice or ginger juice are you going to try?

turmeric juice

Read here below the most frequently asked questions about ginger and turmeric

How do you make a ginger shot?
You make a ginger shot by pressing or blending ginger. Because ginger juice by itself is very bitter and spicy, it is easier to drink in combination with other vegetables or fruit. For example, you could add a fresh apple, a quarter of a cucumber and half a lemon. Take a piece of ginger as big as your thumb and juice it in combination with the other ingredients in a slowjuicer. If you use a blender, strain the juice through cheesecloth. Drink your ginger shots as quickly as possible for optimal nutrient preservation.
How do you make a turmeric shot?
Turmeric can be juiced well in a slowjuicer, but because of its bitter taste, the shot is easier to drink with the addition of some other ingredients. For example, a carrot, half a beetroot and half an apple. Add a piece of fresh turmeric the size of half a little finger. It is important to add some black pepper to improve the absorption of the active ingredient, curcumin, into the blood. Let everything pass through the slowjuicer and pay close attention to your clothes, wooden furniture or countertop because turmeric can stain. You can also use a blender and then strain the juice through a cheesecloth. Preferably, drink the turmeric shot as soon as possible.
Why is ginger healthy?
Ginger is a very good anti-inflammatory. It contains the substance gingerol, an antioxidant with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Ginger can, therefore, help against swelling, arthrosis and all kinds of chronic complaints that have their origin in inflammation of the digestive system. Gingerol has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal qualities and can, therefore, be helpful in the fight against all kinds of diseases and colds. The substance is also effective in protecting teeth against caries. A number of studies show that ginger inhibits the growth of cancer cells. According to other studies, ginger lowers cholesterol levels and may be effective in regulating blood sugar levels. Ginger also helps with menstrual pain, nausea and muscle aches.
What is ginger?
What we call ginger is the root of the plant Zingiber officinale. This plant is native to East Asia and is related to turmeric, cardamom and galangal. The root has been used for thousands of years as a medicine and as a flavouring spice in cooking. In food, it can be used fresh, dried and as a powder and gives food a spicy, hot taste. Ginger is also used as a common cold prevention remedy and as a medicine for all kinds of bacterial infections and inflammation. In that case, it is usually consumed in the form of tea or as a ginger shot.
What is turmeric?
Turmeric is a spice also known as Curcuma or turmeric root. Turmeric is used fresh, dried or powdered as a seasoning for recipes or as an ingredient in medicines or skincare products. Turmeric root is the rhizome of the plant Curcuma longa, a relative of ginger, cardamom and galangal. Curcuma is characterised by its deep yellow-orange colour; it is the main ingredient in curry powder. The plant is also used as a dye. Turmeric is considered a superfood because it has very strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Why is turmeric healthy?
Turmeric contains the substance, curcumin, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is becoming increasingly clear that almost all Western diseases with a chronic component, such as cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and arthrosis, are related to chronic inflammation in the body. Regular and frequent use of turmeric and curcumin could help in this respect. According to various studies, curcumin is effective in the fight against cancer cells. It also helps combat cardiovascular disease by supporting the walls of the blood vessels and can help prevent Alzheimer's disease and arthrosis. A small study showed that turmeric is effective as an anti-depressant. Curcumin is best absorbed into the blood in combination with the substance, piperine, which is found in black pepper.
Is ginger a vegetable or a herb?
Ginger is considered a herb because it lacks the nutrients typical of vegetables, such as vitamin A and C and potassium. Ginger has the 'spicy' heat and strong flavouring qualities that are typical of herbs and spices. Ginger is often used in Asian cuisine as a seasoning in many dishes. Also because of the medicinal properties of ginger, the plant fits better in the category of herbs and spices than in that of vegetables.
How can you use turmeric?
Turmeric can be used fresh, dried or powdered. It is also possible to swallow turmeric capsules. The active medicinal substance in turmeric is called curcumin and is better absorbed into the blood in the presence of the substance, piperine. Piperine is found in black pepper, so to improve the efficacy of turmeric, it is advisable to eat or drink it in combination with black pepper. You can make tea from fresh turmeric, for example, in combination with ginger and black pepper. An old Ayurvedic recipe known today as golden milk combines turmeric with (vegetable) milk and sometimes oil. Curcumin binds well to oil, so adding coconut oil, for example, can improve absorption into the body. Fresh and raw turmeric can also be used in juices and shots.
Is ginger good for high blood pressure?
There are indications that ginger could be good for high blood pressure. Studies with animals have shown that ginger improves blood flow and helps relax the muscles in the blood vessels. The latter leads to a reduction in blood pressure. Ginger may also help prevent the formation of blood clots, which are a major cause of hypertension. In addition, gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, fights certain lipoproteins that are part of cholesterol and, thus, cause the clogging of blood vessels. All in all, it seems that ginger could be a very useful plant in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
What does ginger do to your body?
Ginger contains the substance, gingerol, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Ginger, therefore, helps to combat all kinds of inflammation, both chronic and short-term. As a result, ginger could be a good aid against allergies and arthrosis, for example. Ginger has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and, therefore, works as a natural antibiotic and virus-fighter against all kinds of diseases and colds. Ginger has heating properties and is, therefore, a good way to bring warmth to a cooled body, for example, with a cup of fresh ginger tea. Ginger improves the blood circulation, prevents blood vessels from clogging up and relaxes the muscles.
Is ginger good for your skin and hair?
Ginger contains 40 different antioxidants that have a positive effect on the skin. Antioxidants combat free radicals that play a central role in the ageing of cells. Ginger, therefore, counteracts skin ageing. It can be used internally or as a skin mask consisting of grated ginger, honey and lemon in equal amounts. Such a mask also helps prevent blemishes and promotes elasticity. Ginger is said to promote hair growth and help prevent hair loss by improving blood flow to the scalp. Ginger also makes the body sweat, which promotes the production of healthy oils on the scalp. These natural oils have anti-bacterial properties and prevent scalp dandruff.
What is the best way to store ginger?
Large quantities of ginger can easily be frozen. Cut the ginger into blocks of 2 cm and freeze them on a plate for a few hours first, to prevent them from sticking together. After that, they can be stored frozen in sachets. Frozen ginger is easier to peel.Ginger can be kept in sherry, brandy or rice vinegar. First, peel the ginger and cut it into 1 or 2-centimetre pieces. Ginger can also be dried. To do this, cut it into small pieces and dry them in the oven at a low temperature for a few hours. Finally, ginger can be preserved as an ingredient in chutneys or by fermentation as a ginger soda.